On Wednesday, May 3rd, an attempted attack on the Kremlin took place. This was called an assassination attempt on President Vladimir Putin.
Source: @Political_Room
The Kremlin claimed to have shot down two drones before striking Putin’s official residence. However, Putin was not at the place when the attack happened. Russia vowed to give a firm response to what was described as a “terrorist attack”. Sergei Lavrov mentioned on Friday that Russia would respond with “concrete actions”.
Russia responded by bombing several Ukrainian cities with explosive drones. Kherson was bombed sixteen times, including a supermarket and a metro station. The Russians lost Kherson back on November. Ukrainian officials said the country’s air systems destroyed 18 of the 24 unmanned aerial vehicles. Among those destroyed where the ones that attempted to bomb Kyiv. The attack on the capital was described as the most forceful bombardment on the city.
Kherson train station. Source: @igorsushko
The Russian government blamed the US of being behind the alleged plot to kill Putin. Moscow’s deputy Foreign Minister warned that Russia and the US were on the precipice of an “open-armed conflict”.
“We are working to prevent relations with the US from plunging into the abbys of an open-armed conflict. We are already standing on the edge, on the edge of this precipice”,
The US claims to have no notice about a drone attack on the Kremlin by Ukraine, expressing skepticism that it could approach so easily to the Kremlin. Dmitry Peskov, spokesman of the Kremlin, dismissed the pleas of ignorance from Kyiv and Washington DC as “ridiculous”.
“We know very well that decisions on such actions and such terrorist attacks are made not in Kyiv, but in Washington”,
said Peskov.
He added that Ukraine “was doing what it is told to by the US”. Hardline voices inside the Kremlin have called for the elimination of President Volodymir Zelensky himself. Former Presiden Dmitry Medvedev is among them.
President Zelensky denied being behind the attack.
“We don’t attack Putin or Moscow, we fight on our territory”,
Mykhailo Podolyak, advicer of Zelensky, mentioned the possibility of blaming “guerrilla activities of local resistance forces”
Putin has been accused of staging the attack.
The European Union warned Russia on Thursday not to use an attack as an excuse for escalation.
Guillermo is a journalist, writer and independent international analyst. If you like what you read, please support him by donating:
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