Indian Prime Minister, Nareendra Modi, made his first visit to the United States last Tuesday. He met President Joe Biden and multimillionaire Elon Musk.
Source: @PMOIndia
He arrived to the US on Tuesday for a three-day official visit. On the second day of the visit, Biden mentioned the US-India relationship has never been stronger. He announced a new series of business deals, adding that both countries will work to solve problems caused by the war in Ukraine, and in other sectors. Biden also highlighted the defense accords to counter China.
Meanwhile, Modi said that friendship between India and the US will be “fundamental” in the post COVID new world order. He called the relationship “the most consequential in the world” and “more dynamic than anytime in history”. He added that the relationship “was booming”. Modi listed some cooperation issues with Washington DC in healthcare, climate, and space. He considers this visit “a new chapter” in the “strategic association” between both countries.
Both rulers called Pakistan to ensure its territory is not used by Islamic terror groups to attack India.
“President Biden and Prime Minsiter Modi reiterated the call for concerted action against all UN-listed terrorist groups including al-Qaeda, ISIS/DAESH, Lashkar e-Tayyiba (LeT), Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM), and Hizb-ul-Mujahideen”,
The visit to the US has been polemical in the midst of criticisim against the human rights record in India. 70 US lawmakers urged President Biden to raise human rights issues regarding intolerance, press freedom, and attacks against civil society groups.
Modi has been criticised for laws amending the country’s citizenship law fast tracking naturalization for some migrants. These amendments exclude Muslims. Violence against Muslims and other religious groups by Hindu nationalists has increased. Rahul Gandhi, main opposition leader, was recently convicted for mocking Modi’s surname.
When he was questioned about the human rights record in his country, he answered there’s no discrimination in India for any reason. Modi added that diversity was a way of life in India. “Democracy is in our spirit”, he answered to a reporter.
On the other hand, Elon Musk mentioned Tesla would soon reach India. He pretends to take his SpaceX service to the country. Modi’s government invited Musk to explore investment opportunities in sectors like electric mobility and commercial space.
Source: @narendramodi
The visit shows national security priorities of the US. The Biden administration is courting India against China. The US also aims to bring Modi into its sphere of influence against Russia.
Musk considers India a promising destiny because of the sustainable energies. The first reason is its economic potential, being a counterbalance to China. The second reason is it has balanced between Russia and the West since the invasion of Ukraine. The third reason is it has bought Russian oil in big amounts. The fourth and fifth reasons are its high economic growth and low inflation.
Musk’s investments in India will be worth been observed. For US foreign policy, it will remain to be seen if Biden manages to pull Modi into his sphere of influence. India has been trying to balance between Russia and the West.
Guillermo is a journalist, writer and independent international analyst. If you like what you read, please support him by donating:
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