On Sunday, June 30th, Marine Le Pen’s party, Rassemblement National, obtained the majority of votes in the first round of French elections. This comes before the final votations on July 7th. Rassemblement National obtained 33.15 % of the votes
Emmanuel Macron had summoned for anticipated elections. According to polls, the far right obtained 230-80 seats in the National Assembly. Not enough to obtain absolute majority. On the other hand, Macron’s coalition got 21 per cent of the votes.
Voting participation overcame 65%, the highest since Jacques Chiraq was elected. It would be the first time that a nationalist and eurosceptic party wins parliamentary elections in France. Support for the RN has doubled since 2022.
Fuente: Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives
Le Pen called her voters to go beyond the line and give her absolute majority in the Lower Chamber of the Parliament. If that happens, Emmanuel Macron would name Jordan Bardella, 28 years old, as Prime Minister. Bardella is Rassemblement Nationale representative. Despite heading the elections, Le Pen’s party does not have popularity in many sectors of the French electorate, due ties to the Kremlin and antimigrant rhetoric.
This would be the first time a far-right movement governs France since the time of Vichy. These elections also came after Emmanuel Macron dissolved the Parliament, and just before the Summer Olympic Games.
A possible result would be a Parliament where no coalition has majority, which would provoke a stagnation in the European Union’s second economy, and its main military power. Leftist leaders, like Jean Luc Melenchon, declared that they would withdraw all third place candidates, in order to not divide the anti Le Pen vote. On the second round, which will be celebrated next Sunday, RN and its associates will dispute four hundred and eighty five over five hundred and seventy seven.
Emmanuel Macron called for a “great and clear democratic and republican union”. Meanwhile, Marine Le Pen stated that they only need “an absolute majority so in eight days Emmanuel Macron names Jordan Bardella as Prime Minister”.
Le Pen will have to wait to the second round on July 7th, in order to know if they get an absolute majority in the Assemble Nationale. It will also remain to be seen if the joining of leftist forces will be enough to stop Le Pen.
Le Pen seems to have a majority in the Parliament, paving the way for a far-right government in France for the first time. However, she will also have to figure out how to win over her detractors. This will be the main challenge that Marine Le Pen will face during the next years. Also, Le Pen will have to figure out how she will have to reach agreements with the leftists. Everything depends on how the July 7th elections unfold.
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